Beautifully crafted thinking for ambitious brands.

We’re Counter Studio, a strategic brand and design consultancy, making a difference where it counts.

We help ambitious businesses build brands with conviction, purpose and clarity.

That means smart strategic thinking, beautifully crafted and intelligently brought to life across every part of a project.
The world’s first family history social network
Atelier Ellis
Creating quiet beauty
Old meet new
In addition to building beautiful contemporary brands, we also have a rather more old-school side – situated next door to the studio is The Counter Press, a typographic workshop where we escape our pixel perfect screens to indulge in our passion for all things typographic. The press is creative space where we can combine modern thinking with the warmth of traditional craftsmanship.
Inspired by a love of words and a passion for the origins of typographic design, everything we create at the press is designed and letterpress printed at a wonderfully sedate pace, by hand, using only wood and metal type and antique printing presses.
See more of the good old new stuff at: